Key Component - Support Staff!

Without support staff, the library media specialist has no opportunity to leave the center or even the checkout station.

When a media specialist has adequate support staff and they are able to work together flexibly, an environment that is conducive for everyone emerges.

Solution? A "Hybrid" Schedule!

By having a fixed schedule, you are ensuring that all students have some access to the library, at some point.

However, having the flexibility within that schedule allows the library media specialist to collaborate in and outside the media center.

A "hybrid," or a mixture of both fixed and flexible schedules, will combine a good combination of both schedule types, allowing more access to the physical space as well as access to collaboration time with the media specialist.

Physical Space

Any schedule can allow for access to a library media specialist, but if the center is not physically organized to allow access, the schedule does not matter.

“…review the physical arrangement of the library media center so that it can accommodate multiple activities simultaneously.

Identify spaces for whole-class use…and arrange work areas for small groups as well” (Geiken, 1999)

Parkside Middle School Survey

Ten Middle School Staff members were surveyed as to their use and accessability to the library media center and to the media specialist. The following questions about access to the library media center were given and the results are listed:

Question 1 – Do you feel you are able to utilize the library media center when needed?
6 – Yes 4 – No

Question 2 – Do you feel your students are able to utilize the library media center when needed?
10 – Yes 0 – No

Question 3 – Have you collaborated with the library media specialist? How?
8 – worked together to find materials
0 – co-taught a lesson
2 – other

Question 4 – When is the best time to collaborate with you?
0 – Before School
2 – After School
8 – Preparatory time
1 – lunch
1 - other

Positive Aspects of Flexible Scheduling

.....Allows media specialist time to collaborate and help those in need

.....Allows all staff members to use media center since no “set” schedule

.....Allows students to feel the media center is a safe comfortable place that can be used at anytime

Negative Aspects of Flexible Scheduling

.....Can be very confusing for students, since they will never know if and when they will have class time to visit the media center

.....It does place responsibility on the student to access the media center on his or her own time

Flexible Scheduling Defined

"...System in which classes are scheduled for instruction in the library resource center based on instructional need, rather than based on a fixed calendar which dictates that classes will meet in the resource center..."

(Van Deusen, 1999)

Negative Aspects of Fixed Scheduling

Does not leave much open time for the classroom teacher to collaborate with the library media specialist

Classroom teachers do not utilize the media center because other classes are there

Negative Aspects of Fixed Scheduling

Does not leave much open time for the classroom teacher to collaborate with the library media specialist

Classroom teachers do not utilize the media center because other classes are there

Positive Aspects of Fixed Scheduling

.....guaranteed a time in the library media center

.....establish a routine and an understanding of when books are due back provide preparatory time to classroom teachers

Fixed Schedule Defined

"...students attend a regularly scheduled library class in the library, usually on a weekly basis”
(Donham van Deusen, 1994)