Collaboration Request

Riverview Elementary Library__________________________________________

Please fill this form in as completely as possible and return it to the library or my mailbox. I’ll then set up a time when we can get together to flesh out the details if needed.
Kathy Carlson,
Librarian and
Instructional Technologist

Your Name ____________________________________

Date of Request ___________________
Classes Involved (Title, Grade Level & Period)


Will you be collaborating with any other teachers on this project and if so, who? Yes. No.

Approximate Date(s) the Unit will be Taught

Number of Days Needed in the Library (an attached schedule request would be great!)

Title or Brief Description of the Unit to be Taught


What role(s) would you like me to play in preparing and carrying out the unit?
____ Schedule library time for your classes
____ Schedule equipment for your use (please specify) ______________________________________________________________
____ Reserve books for your classes’ use
____ Prepare a recommended reading list for your class
____ Purchase materials for the unit (3 – 4 months advance notice needed)
____ Ensure that your students have Internet access before the unit begins
____ Gather appropriate materials/links for you
____ Assist you in finding an innovative way to teach the unit
____ Assist you in finding a way to teach the unit using technology
____ Prepare a pathfinder or webquest for you
____ Assist students in their work on the unit
____ Teach part of the unit (please specify)


____ Other (please specify)


If possible please attach the syllabus page your students will receive or a lesson plan that will give me detailed info on the unit. Or note details below and on extra paper as needed.
